Monday, 14 November 2011

Full Circle...Jerk

Hey there. Time to pass GO and collect $200! Well, OK, I'll have to settle for passing GO for now. I started my radio career in the late 90's when I barged into Humble and Fred's studio, dressed as a medical intern - white lab coat, head lamp, and doctor's bag full of props - on 102.1 the Edge in Toronto. Although security wanted me arrested, Humble and Fred decided to reward my act of unsolicited initiative with the opportunity to work on the show for FREE, in the hopes of eventually landing some sort of paying gig, if all went well. Three months later, I got my first job at the station, writing traffic reports over the Christmas holiday. Not exactly Hemingway, but it was a few bucks. Within another few months, I was a regular fixture on the show, writing and performing many a parody song and funny bit, hosting live events, and doing various character voices, including my popular (and twisted) alter ego - Uncle Vince. Over the next few years, I also developed a "side career" as a voiceover artist, thanks in large part to Humble introducing me to his agent. Eventually, I left radio to pursue my musical dreams, all the while making a decent living in voice work.

Fast forward to today, and Humble and Fred surprisingly find themselves without a commercial radio gig, after some two decades as beloved (and "be-hated"), innovative morning show hosts. They have decided to live on the leading edge yet again, by starting their own podcast radio show: HumbleAndFredRadio.Com. I jumped at the chance to get involved as imaging voice, producer and content contributor, partly as a way to properly thank the guys who took a chance on me when I had nothing and no prospects. But I also knew that, even after all this time, there is still no other environment I would rather be a part of, and no other guys I would rather work with. So here I am again, having come full circle - working with Humble and Fred for FREE (for now)! The big difference this time around is of course that I actually have a paying job, so I am truly doing this for the love of the game and the two guys who first let me play in their super-cool sandbox! All indications are that the show is already a hit...but no matter what happens, I am enjoying the ride. Be sure to visit and subscribe to the daily podcast. I puts mainstream commercial radio cheese to shame. And no one can tell us what to do or how to do it. Aaaahhh...I love the smell of FREEDOM in the morning! SP

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